Defining Democrats

Democrats define being discreet as covering up lies.
When questioned answering with disingenous replies.
The acquired skill of speaking clearly with a forked tongue.
Never forgetting it's your inferiors you're standing among.

Democrats define a cover-up as a means to an end.
A means of conserving their much needed hot wind.
A way of escaping detection, and hiding the truth.
Usually pulled off flawlessly, from MSM broadcast booths.

Democrats  define honesty as a virtue no democrat needs.
It's easier to push outright lies than getting down in the weeds.
If your lie is believed, then it is no longer considered a lie.
Amongst demonrat adherents honest men never survive.

Democrats define pandering as selling something to fools.
Who if packaged with promises would buy their own stool.
The promises are a match for the lies the idiots are taught.
Who are thrilled with the bullsh*t they've willingly bought.

Democrats define fear as a tool that's easily mongered.
An easy path to the revenge for which hypocrites hunger.
A quick way to incite riots, to sow chaos and disorder.
To scare idiots into going along with their new world order.

Democrats define borders as welcome mats for invaders.
As conduits for illicit drugs, terrorists and America haters.
An open floodgate for traffickers selling children for sex.
A giant glitch in the security that Joe Biden neglects.

Democrats define our Republic, as a democrat democracy.
Which they strive to destroy with their lies and hypocrisy.
A democracy where fair elections are a thing of the past.
A democratic assault through which a republic can't last.

I define the democrat party as the highway to Hell.
A highway where the billboards are harbingers of ill.
A highway traveled by demons and compromised souls.
A highway leading to the fulfillment of Lucifers goals.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/25/23