You Know It’s True

The amount of lies is unbelievable.
The constant deceit off the wall.
What's happening is inconceivable.
too much mush in too many numbskulls. 
Condescending idiots are everywhere.
Their snarkiness raising everyones ire.
They're the ones in crowded theaters,
blaming others when they're screaming FIRE.

Their faces are pictures of ignorance,
their smiles broadcast their gall.
Their lifestyles are proof of malfeasance,
it's obvious they've no scruples at all.
Their speeches are lies in our faces,
Their words always meant to deceive.
Their modus operandi is hypocrite racists,
always caught up in the webs they weave.

Their promises are meant to be broken,
a hand-up means putting folks down.
Their diversity means hiring more tokens,
to be honest, they're nothing but clowns.
Their pastime is wasting our money,
on their insipid commie pipedreams.
Their manual is a guidebook for dummies,
how to pander their globalist schemes.

Their inclusivity means divide and conquer,
their leaders are proud to be scum.
There isn't a fear they won't stoop to monger,
they will never stop beating their gums.
Their justice is weaponized democrat policy,
used to silence and defeat their foes.
Meant only to further their democrat hierarchy,
and to step on good citizens goals.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/1/23