The Rant Goes On

We're sick of intrusive government, regulations out the wazoo.
The nanny state's interference in every damn thing we do.
We aren't allowed to run our own lifes without their permission.
We're being forced into corners, being forced into submission.
We're still allowed to have cars, but we can't afford any gas.
We have a now worthless congress where no laws are passed.
It's all executive orders, signed by a corrupt president's pen.
Much of it in favor of immoral behavior, legalizing more sin.
Most of our leaders are communist morons or inept looky-loos.
Standing silently on the sidelines, while the cabal turns the screws.
Justice for all's been subverted, to justice for the chosen.
Justice for the new world elites who grow more emboldened.
Our constitution's being shredded, hypocrisy's running rife.
Our government is on an agenda to destroy everyone's life.
Inflation is rampant as our money is devalued every damn day.
We're supposed to deny our own eyes as we're told we're doing okay.
We've lost faith in elections, we no longer know who we can trust.
Our hopes and our dreams for our children are purposely crushed.
The government funds an invasion on our insecure border.
In an attempt to change America through the chaos and disorder.
If we speak out in favor of freedom, our speech is shut down.
The malaise is rapidly spreading through every city and town.
Worst of all our fearless leader tells the same lies every day.
Blaming us for laws they're breaking, while we have no say.
This isn't the birthright we're promised, not our American Dream.
This agenda was concocted in Hell, a satanic demonrat scheme.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/30/23
