Why Did I Do It

Why do democrats vote for these idiots, is it a birds of a feather thing.
Why did I vote for Moot Romney, when he threw his hat in the ring.
Why did I neglect my due diligence, and fall for the lies of a fool.
Why do I feel used and abused, treated like a clueless democrat tool.
I've got to use my vote with intelligence, instead of electing a rino.
I helped do Utah a diservice helping to elect a pile of Bostonian guano.
I realize I should have known better, my self-recriminations won't end.
Most Utahn's were hornswoggled, thinking Moot's a*s doesn't suck wind.
 Democrats elect fools like John Fetterman, it don't get dumber than that.
Whomever's name is on the ballot, it don't matter if its human or rat.
Most elected officials have agendas, that involve feathering nests.
It's the kind of self serving idiots with which our republic is blessed.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/12/23