
Another kerfuffle in congress, republicans clusterchucking themselves.
Once again the will of the people has been put aside on the shelves.
The demonrats are all celebrating, the heats off Joe Biden's back.
The only ones this stupid crap benefits are the damn demoquacks.
The left is destroying our republic, the right is dashing our hopes.
The House of the People is full of demonrats and republican dopes.
In our nursing home White House, malfeasance and grift still go on.
The Biden crime family, hopefully mistakenly think they have won.
I feel like there's no chance in hell, the right will ever get it together.
Big money & big bribes, change self-serving fools like the weather.
The left is backslapping, high-fiving, dancing in the damn aisles.
I'm pretty sure that in conservative circles there aren't many smiles.
America's hopes are being frittered away by these infighting schmucks.
The only idiots applauding are the demoquack clucking ducks.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/5/23