The Choice

What good is a government, that's not there to help.
That will cast you aside like an unwanted whelp.
What good are the empty self-serving words we all hear.
That bombard us with messages that monger to fear.
What good are politicians who have subverted their wills.
To fulfilling ungodly agendas that will take them to Hell.
What good is the life without purpose they proffer for votes.
Or the harmful executive orders forced down our throats.
What good is freedom of speech if our voices aren't heard.
What is the meaning of anything if it is only inferred.
How do Americans prosper, when the state takes it all.
How can one safely stand up to our governments gall.
How can we expect security with wide open borders.
With a political system fomenting chaos and disorder.
When the America dream is yanked from under our feet.
Are we supposed to give into the left's barrage of deceit.
How do we find our way through obstacles placed in our path.
How can we protect fellow citizens from feeling God's wrath.

We can still return to the covenants proffered by God.
We can't be forced into submission to the master of fraud.
We must rise to our potential, cast off Satan's shackles.
There is no spiritual advancement in being evil chattels.
We are a Godfearing people not Satan's souless minions.
We must place our faith in our Savior and God's Dominion.
Our existence need not be meaningless, we are not alone.
Between salvation and damnation the choice is our own.
We are all loved the same, no one is better than others.
We are all God's children, all sisters and brothers.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/8/23
