Reality Check

A discourse of death is taught in our colleges and schools.
Being taught by ancient hippies and anti-semitic ghouls.
By marxists, socialists and America hating a*sholes and goons.
By the agents of evil, loathsome, egotistical buffoons.
Hamas has been given free rein, to brainwash young minds.
How is it the scum of the earth is leading our ignorant blind.
Putting anti-societal madness in prepared endarkened hosts.
Spreading their radicalized BS across America, coast to coast.
Our leaders are asleep at the wheel, or worse yet they're woke.
The culture of woke supporting the culture of death, no joke.
It's time the communists and jihadists are kicked to the curb.
It's time something is done besides just being perturbed.
Quit sending your kids to these anti-God brainwashing centers.
Unless you want your kids coming back as radicalized dissenters.
You spent years instilling values you don't want swept aside.
In favor of supporting Hamas killers and transgender pride.
Don't give into your kids wishes, it's no longer the American dream.
Colleges are full of moronic professors pushing communist schemes.
If you're a woke culture member and you support the woke crap.
Maybe it's time you're awakened with a return to reality slap.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/15/23
