Full Speed Ahead

Democrats have so many talking points, the fools get confused.
Their base listens and cheers, obviously no one is enthused.
Talking points from committees that do nothing but talk.
Full of demoquack thinkers that do nothing but squawk.

Demonrats go on about anything, Always creating new rules.
Teaching claptrap and nonsense in our public schools.
No wisdom is ventured, absolutely nothing is gained.
They fill young minds with mush, anything that's harebrained.

Democrats have no work ethic, they have no ethics at all.
Their only route forward is through mass deceit and zealous gall.
They never admit to their failures, or acknowledge their lies.
They expect us to believe that they're such caring guys.

Democrats have no conscience, it's always full speed ahead.
No thought to who they might runover or who winds up dead.
They're always quick with denials, cover-ups are preplanned.
Democrats are not trustable people, everything is a scam.

Democrats are terrified of free agency, they seek total control.
Our free speech must be suppressed, except from d-rat pieholes.
We must be happy with nothing, we must be taxed for each breath.
We must exist as state property from our birth until death.

Democrats have become anathema, to everything that is good.
 They're doing it for America, but they're so misunderstood.
Their agenda is one of destruction, of power mad greed.
Their compassion is displayed by the fake tears their eyes bleed.

Demonrats fake righteous anger, they fake faith in God.
Demonrats kowtow and march to the orders of the master of fraud.
Demonrats are agents of Satan, his evil agenda is theirs.
With our belief in our Savior they castigate christians as squares.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/29/23