Joe’s At It Again

Should the Israeli's stop bombing hospitals they haven't bombed.
Should they let Hamas murder israelis with total aplomb.
Shouldn't they be allowed to seek vengeance, an eye for an eye.
Shouldn't they be free to kill terrorists and see them all die.
 Why is Biden so wishy-washy, should he be playing both sides.
Why can't he demonstrate he has a spine, not hide behind lies.
Why can't we support our allies, why insist on a ceasefire.
As the smoke is still rising from Israeli homes and funeral pyres.
Should we be giving aid to Hamas, why show them such weakness.
Why show our enemies the terrorists such cowardly meekness.
The Chinese and the Russians are watching Biden kowtow to iran.
Should America have ever elected such a corrupt cowardly man.
Biden should step out of the picture and quit enabling our enemies.
Backing down from radical islam and their outrageous homilies.
So many stupid decisions by our fearless leader, a coward at heart.
Ready to let Iran ignite a conflagration that tears the world apart.
I guess the demonrats are happy letting our enemies come to us.
They know who's crossing the border, why don't they raise a fuss.
Joe Biden denies our security while sending our arsenal to Ukraine.
We should ask his demonrat master, the one with the devious brain.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/23/23