The Inflation Reduction Act, is signed into law.
A bunch of democrat lies, crammed down our craw.
My craws overloaded, I'm starting to choke.
The D-rats won't stop, they're going for broke.
700 billion tax-dollars to fuel their pipedreams.
They no longer care how totally stupid this seems.
Another thousand page bill that no one has read.
Biden the Bumbler, doesn't know what it said.
Of course the rat-faced, rinos lined up with the D-rats.
The rinos are cousins, where the hell are the cats.
More tax dollars wasted, more vote buying plots.
More reckless spending while Washington rots.
The rats are all celebrating, gladhanding and such.
The people with brains, aren't happy so much.
And what of inflation, how is this gonna help.
Our leaders are leeches, who are stealing our wealth.
They're nests are more feathered, our cupboards are bare.
They smile in our faces, saying how much they care.
Patting each others backs, they share many toasts.
While into a depression, the whole country coasts.
We've been sold out to China, sold out to Iran.
It's time for their bullsh*t to hit the damn fan.
To blow back in their faces to cram their own craws.
Perhaps they would realize their planning has flaws.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/20/22