My Kind Of Rant

Making our enemies happy, by tearing America down.
Mocking our morals supporting transgender clowns.
Flying down the highway to Hell, Barrack in control.
Hearing  Joe Biden's babbling, Obamas talking a*shole.
A new mideast alignment that seems to be anti-jew.
Enabling our frenemies in everything they now do.
Everythings done in secret, on a need to know basis.
We can't get the truth from the demonrat lying faces.
Anti-American plans, dreamed up in secret committees.
If we want some kind of truth, we listen to Babylon Bees.

What is the demonrat motive, what is their goal.
Why can't we hear the truth from their flapping pieholes.
I've researched their policies, I've plumbed their depths.
They have no problem with causing millions of deaths.
Living in walled palaces, snugly secure in their nests.
If we point out the hypocrisy, we're ungrateful pests.
Grifting and in your face corruption, tools of their trade.
We're sucking hind teat while their fortunes are made.
We're threatening their democracy, by telling the truth.
Their lies pounded into the heads of our brainwashed youth.

Our taxdollars fund the committees creating despair.
Democrat think tanks are adept at spewing hot air.
Budgets run into the trillions, where does it all go.
The money buys votes for idiots, Brandon's like Joe.
Sane voices are shushed, the left has no use for the truth.
They plant lies in the heads of so-called misgendered youth.
The GOP busts their own balls, with their goodguy BS.
They would rather mollify perverts, than problems address.
Government run by self-serving dummies is what we have in D.C..
Our tax dollars are wasted, frittered away overseas.

We need to elect the right people, and quit buying the lies.
We need politicians who don't give away our slice of the pie.
We need to take care of ourselves, and seal our borders.
We don't need to welcome millions of the worlds freeloaders.
We're perched on the verge of a worldwide conflagration.
With an economy in sharp decline and moral stagnation.
Our enemies are not blind, they see our sorry state of affairs.
How our leaders can do nothing with heads up their derriaires.
On the eve of destruction, their heads are in the wrong place.
It's obvious it's the demonrat preferred way of saving face.
It sure as hell doesn't do it for me, it shouldn't do it for you.
We need to dump these ungodly a*swipes, then start anew.

D.L. Crockett -- 11/6/23