Speaking Truth

Something seemed odd, something didn't make any sense.
 Besides Joe with his head up his a*s trying to straddle the fence.
Something seemed wrong in America, a rot in our schools.
They'd become diploma mills for idiots, anti-American fools.
Professors brainwash students into believing that evil is good.
That Hamas killers are justified, and Israel must be withstood.
Hamas killers are freedon fighters and must be defended.
Professors pay homage to the demons from whom they descended.
The democrat base has lost it's way, has sold their souls out.
 Picking the wrong side in a fight they know nothing about.
As usual the mainstream media, jumps on the evil bandwagon.
Kissing Lucifers feet while they're tails are busily wagging.
Israels name is besmirched, college students scream kill the Jews.
While with communists and jihadists they willingly schmooze.
Its a recipe for destruction, portending the end of the left.
Our colleges churn out demonic adherents, of morals bereft.
Our clueless leader waits for instructions from the bug in his ear.
He's just a puppet, a front man for Obama, that much is clear.
Whistling through the graveyard, merrily heading for Hell.
Old anti-American hippies turn our kids into harbingers of ill.
Their futures are ruined, heads full of an ideology that sucks.
Useful tools of Satan and demonrats aka worthless schmucks.
D.L. Crockett -- 11/6/233