What kind of commie paradise, are we being sold.
How many outright lies are we being told.
How much corruption can we be forced to endure.
Is there one democrat politician whose motives are pure.
How can we trust a rat, who speaks with forked tongue.
How can we avoid the webs they have spun.
I'm sick of their meddling, I don't need a nanny.
A government thinking it's everyone's granny.
From birth until death, we don't need the sh*t.
That we're forced to swallow by socialist twits.
We don't need uniters who seek to divide.
Who tell us that theirs is the only right side.
They can shove their BS, up their derrieres.
With their swelled heads, it must be crowded up there.
Treat us like Americans, not like your swamp scum.
Stand up to our enemies, quit beating their drum.
Put us back on the right path, not your highway to Hell.
Quit blatantly lying, we can see that all is not well.
Quit spending our tax dollars to buy your damn votes.
Scurry back to your swamp like d-rats abandoning boats.
The midterms are coming, your days are now numbered.
For far too long, we the people have slumbered.
When we are awakened, it will suck for the "woke".
 Your cancerous grip on society will finally be broke.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/29/22