His jaw slackened, his mouth dripped drool, Joe Biden felt energized, he knew he was cool. His eyes seemed to be even deeper black holes, no color at all, dark like his soul. His skin looked like leather, a sick pale white, he hid from the sun, afraid of the light. Dazed and confused, looking so lost, shuffling around, you could smell his exhaust. His sycophants cheered, he bowed and fell over, he was rolling around, it wasn't in clover. Helped to his feet, he smiled like a clown, stupidly saying "You can't keep me down" People with brains, knew what was in store, we'd be assailed with lies by Biden the Boor. He would praise bidenomics, praising himself, his mind and his diaper both filled with filth. He'd take credit for crap better people had done, he's toss in his promise to steal our guns. He'd stammer and stutter, forget how to read, to see him and hear him, made our eyes bleed. The usual balderdash, the same clueless jive, everyone looking at Joe, thinking, is he still alive. We were waiting for gaffes, we didn't wait long, he was mistakenly thinking he was King Kong. He was only a puppet, not ruling the roost, Barack's useful idiot, Joe loved the abuse. The writing's been scribbled, on white house walls, he's set up to be taking an anticipated fall. He's used up and wore out, that's where Joe's at, thrown to the wolves like a sacrificed rat. His legacy is infamy, a failed commie endeavor, his place in history, the worst president ever. D.L. Crockett -- 1/18/24