Where Would We Be

Where would we be, without Joe Robinette, the Uniter.
The King of America, the lickspittle, backbiter.
The pawn of the devil, the propped up buffoon.
The teleprompted idiot, the dried up old prune.
He unites by dividing, he's obviously cracked.
A huge yellow stripe runs down his back.
His thoughts may be his own, but never his words.
He talks out his ass, incomprehensible turds.
How did this fool get elected, is the buzzword dujour.
With this fool in power, only one thing is sure.
The people are suffering, the country's in chaos.
We're stuck with a puppet, who's not his own boss.
The world in wonder, is watching this clown.
Our enemies are salivating, thinking we're going down.
His policies suck, they're all commie pipedreams.
Yet unthinkingly forward, he stupidly steams.
We're mad, Joe's clueless, he deserves no respect.
While he panders for votes we are shown his neglect.
His speeches are nothing but two-faced affairs.
Doubling down on destruction, telling us how he cares.
On the eve of destruction, Biden fiddles around.
Running his mouth, running America into the ground.
I don't like this hellbound train Joe's got us ridin'.
I don't like a damn thing about Joe Robinette Biden.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/2/22