Sounds Like A Plan

As his memories fade his lies continue to grow.
He tries to force us to recall what he no longer knows.
He tells us he's in fine fettle, that he's still the man.
He guarantees that no one is laughing at him in Iran.
He says he needs four more years to finish the job.
His muddled thinking makes my thrombosis throb.
He's the democrat paper tiger, he's not in charge.
Fearless leaders a front man, Barack's puppet at-large.

We need Donald Trump to get us out of this mess.
We have  many problems only a wise man can address.
We need someone our enemies fear and respect.
Not a senile pandering fool, who shows us neglect.
It's why trump is persecuted, in Joe's kangaroo courts.
It's why theres 90 indictments and endless civil torts.
It's obvious election interference, a weaponized DOJ.
Those with Trump Derangement syndrome think it's okay.

Only a fool believes it's a GOP attack on democracy.
Only a fool can't see through, the demonrat hypocrisy.
Only a fool would believe anything from Joe's mouth.
Only a fool believes demonrats in a commonsense drouth.
If we do our due-diligence, we'll kick Joe to the curb.
Any other outcome would be no less than absurd.
So let's all get it together, let's get out the damn vote.
Let's show them we're serious and rock their damn boat.
D.L. Crockett -- 2/12/24