Like father like son, the fruit never falls far from the tree. Joey and Hunter lie with aplomb, always nothing to see. Hunter lies before congress, It's easier to deny and defy. To blame someone else, the Donald is usually that guy. Joe isn't working for Hunter, Hunter is working for Joe. Joe pays him off with whores, fancy cars and his blow. They raked in millions of dollars of ill-gotten gains. Although it seems unlikely, Joe has a criminal brain. He knows how to sell influence, how to sell out the U.S.A. He's got bank accounts where his lucre is hidden away. A criminal committing perjury, expecting us to believe. Surely there isn't any truth, hidden away up his sleeve. It's a MAGA conspiracy, driving him back to his drugs. Treating Hunter and his daddy, like a couple of thugs. I say if the shoe fits wear it, no one believes your replies. You're nothing but gold-digging scum proffering lies. Knock off the charade Hunter, we know you worked for dad. Crooks always get defensive, when the truth drives them mad It's staggering the moxie, the string of excuses we hear. The unmitigated gall, when the hounds are getting near. The lies you're willing to tell, when you feel the tightening noose. Open your mouth and speak truly the lies are cooking your goose. D.L. Crockett -- 2/29/24