Is Brandon insane, I'd say that's a definite yes.
Are his brains addled, I'd say they're a mess.
Is he a comical figure, I'd say, for Sure.
Is he a good speaker,hell no, he's hard to endure.
Is Brandon fighting to save America's soul.
I'd say that's just the opposite of his real goal.
Is Joe a sock puppet, is he the one in command.
I'd say look up his backside for somebodies hand.
Is Joe ever joking, I'd say it's all nothing but lies.
I can't take him seriously, I look in his eyes.
Are Brandon's eyes, the mirror to his soul.
Look deep in his eyes, you'll see a black hole.
Does Joe have a message, I'd say, he knows how to read.
A programmed teleprompter, is all brandon needs.
Has Joe kept a promise, I'd say yes, and how!
Destroying this great nation, is Joe's sacred cow.
Did Joe steal the election. What do you think?
There's not enough kool-aid for 84 million to drink.
Will Joe run again, I see a major kerfuffle.
I can't see him running but he might try to shuffle.
Could Joe possibly win? Are you out of your mind?
How many stupid people could he possiby find?
D.L. Crockett -- 9/5/22