The world is ending and looters are stocking up on TVs. Maybe the MSM has more fake news for fools to believe. The sky is on fire, thousands of missiles have flown. Any foolish dreams of a commie paradise have been blown. Brought to us by demon rats in the white house, demons overseas. Perpetrating Satan's master plan bringing us to our knees. Has the sky finally fallen, has the human race sealed it's doom. Will we be swept from the planet with God's heavenly broom. We've listened to charlatans, we sought temporal vices. We did not heed that one final spark that finally ignites us. We chased after earthly riches, our wise men became fools. We ignored our promised salvation and broke all God's rules. We stood on the eve of destruction and still hounded Trump. Our politicians would rather be idiots, morons and chumps. Instead of praying for deliverance, we seek more free stuff. Many folks saw the day coming when God finally had enough. No one warned us they screamed, as their world became Hell. To late they finally see their fate, their fool on the hill. D.L. Crockett -- 3/28/24