Biden was right, I'm happy with nothing this skuz-bucket's done.
Like his everyday rhetoric about how he wants to steal our guns.
How he says the economy's great, he's created 15 million jobs.
I'm so happy, so proud of him, how he makes my heart throb.
I'm overjoyed how he persecutes Trump in kangaroo courts.
How he's still able to be relatable, with a load in his shorts.
I couldn't possibly be any happier, when I go out to the store.
I realize everythime I do, prices have gone up a little bit more.
Groceries are twice as much now than they were under Trump.
And Biden tries telling Americans, that Donald Trump is the chump.
Joe's lighting the world on fire, whiles he's campaigning for bucks.
I'm so happy that our fearless leader, is such a cowardly schmuck.
I'm happy my dollars buy half as much as they bought 4 years ago.
I'm happy to hear all the claptrap, that spews from Joey's piehole.
I can't help but be happy the election is only six months away.
It will be the happiest day in my life when Biden is sent on his way.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/1/24