How many cover-ups is our government running.
How many murders, they think they're so cunning.
How many mass murders in their campaign against guns
You can't trust these demonrats, because everything's spun.
Cover-ups to cover cover-ups, liars paid for their lies.
How can we trust our gov't when conspiracies are no surprise.
Conspiring to steal our guns, conspiring to destroy lives.
Conspiring to steal elections, check your back for their knives.
There are no conspiracy theories, everything they do is real.
Destroy the fabric of America, and kill anyone who squeals.
Conspire to destroy democracy putting the blame on Trump.
They look to put him in prison, we the people get chumped.
Hypocritical bastards, illbegotten pieces of demonrat crap.
Hopefully it will backfire, and wind up smack-dab in their laps.
We're tired of gov't shenanigans, tired of Congressional crooks.
Tired of our national debt and our president cooking the books.
They're not the cream of society, they're the scum of the swamp.
Too much self righteous pandering and unceremonius pomp.
Another rightwing conspiracy theory, pshaw! give me a break.
Get rid of these conspiratorial bastards, they're too much to take.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/24/24