The Short End

We're chastised, talked down to, we hear lie after lie.
We're exhorted to listen, and believe our damn eyes.
The MSM are all demonrats, you can't trust fake news.
Most folks can't understand chuckle-headed fools.
There's nothing good about democrats, I'm not inspired.
Honestly I can't see one of them that shouldn't be fired.
We're told they're our betters, usually by themselves.
Always handing out goodies like evil Keebler Elves.

We have a human dignity, democrats lost long ago.
We can discern right from wrong, they think anything goes..
We're denied our privacy, our house and homes watched.
They pass red flag laws, our freedoms are squashed.
That's life as we know it, with swamp scum in control.
They don't care about us or about retrieving their soul.
In their mad search for power, they never slow down.
Putting to use college idiots and transgender clowns.

We're happy with nothing, while the economy booms.
They'll take our stuff with them, going to their tombs.
The government buys them groceries we can't afford.
Everything drains my bank account, like gas for my Ford.
I feed my dogs roadkill, dog food costs a fortune.
Seniors can't live the goodLife, but they pay for abortion.
I can't stand being happy, if the left's paying the way.
They say trust the government, you'll be happy some day.

Our GOP reps cross the aisle and vote with these fools.
We can't trust anyone when the big money rules.
The country's for sale to scumbags like George Soros.
Selling out our futures stealing our kids tomorrows.
Our reps aren't working for us, they serve their greed.
Selling their valuable votes for whatever they need.
Day by day we're struggling, they feather their nest.
Our purpose is our survival, they're unwelcome guests.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/9/24
