It's another gay pride month, when democrats pander to creeps.
When they want to influence children into becoming they're peeps.
Time to put on the panty-hose, time to parade on the bar.
Time to wear garish costumes, time to go one step too far.
Time to dress as fat ugly women, and demand our respect.
Time to ignore the perverted ba*tards, and show them neglect.
Other holidays are just one day, why are these scumbags special.
They may deserve notoriety but not being put on a pedestal.
We'll soon have a holiday for pedos, a day for molesting kids.
Now that we're honoring perverts why not go way off the grid.
Invite them into your homes and schools for pedo story hour.
I'm sure swamp critters love to see sick practices flower.
I'm sure for drag queen story hour they have the best raiment.
You can bet for these drag queens it's gainful employment.
It seems every degenerate group, the left eagerly promotes.
They consider it worthwhile pandering, any thing to get votes.
When watching men twerking remember what's coming next year.
When their celebrating the cesspool, when the whole world is queer.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/6/24