Right or wrong, democrats can't make a choice.
With no power of discernment, they don't have a voice.
They spew what they're told to, mostly it's all lies.
Whatever's thrown out there, they're hoping it flies.
They target crowds of morons, fools with like minds.
Their modus operandi, find fools wearing blinds.
They tell us we must listen, under penalty of the law.
If we refuse to listen, cram their lies down our craws.
Threaten us with jail time, stick us with huge fines.
Destroy american's lives if we don't toe their lines.
Rob us of our livelihoods, put us out on the street.
Make our lives miserable, leave us sucking hind teat.
It may sound unamerican but that's the Democrat plan.
Tell us they're caring and thoughtful and not give a damn.
We've got nothing coming, but a big load of crap.
Every penny we make winds up right in their laps.
We're here to pay taxes, used to pay for their votes.
While the rats party hearty on America's scuttled boat.
Its their plan for destruction, it's their twisted dream.
It sounds like a nightmare, I can't wake from to scream.
God tells me to have patience, saying "This too will end"
I'm getting really fed up with these a**holes sucking wind.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/13 24