What is the new democrat cause of the day.
What kind of tom-foolery, is coming our way.
What new load of BS, will they want us to swallow.
What new round of promises that will ring hollow.
Which political hacks, will support all their lies.
Which republican RINOS, will we learn to despise.
How much of our money, will be spent buying votes.
What communist nonsense will it be spent to promote.
Who will it benefit, who will get something free.
What fools like the fruits off the demented-rats tree.
When will gas prices again shoot through the roof.
Why can't useful idiots see through this spoof.
With so many questions, why can't we get an answer.
Why have the democrats become a societal cancer.
What is it about marxism the D-rats so adore.
Why have they become Satan's willingest whore.
When will they realize, their pipedreams are bogus.
How can we get rid of this plague of demonrat locusts.
Who falls for the fake polls, they create to deceive.
Who will get caught in web of lies they like to weave.
Who's going with me to vote this coming November.
Who will stand up for America, and vote to defend her.
It will be ME, It will be YOU, It will be THEM over there.
WE will be the pro-nouns, D-rats will learn to despair.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/12/22