Debate:Round 2

The left is getting excited about the second stupid debate.
Biden's going to hide for the next 2 months, until the big date.
This time the left will be ready, Biden will be wired for sound.
Answers on a miniature teleprompter from which he'll expound.
I don't know who will be moderating but they'll be ready too.
I'm sure they'll come well prepared with a new rule or two.

The left will be doubling down on Biden's long litany of lies.
Lies snatched straight out of the air for Joe Biden's replies.
They'll be hushing the Donald citing problems with muting.
Whenever Joe answers a question that Trump is disputing.
MSM will build up Joes reputation citing debates he's won.
The debate will be biased and rigged, honesty's surely gone.

They might even try something, like jacking Joe up with toot.
With a big time release capsule jammed up his huge snoot.
There could be a room full of ideologues, whispering in his ears.
A reservoir in his tear canals for when he's needing fake tears.
I'm sure they'll be striving harder, preparing Joe for the charade.
It couldn't be any worse than the last debacle they staged.

Whatever happens this time, Democrat MSM is well prepared.
Perhaps the debate will be cancelled, America will be spared.
If the left is counting on miracles, I think they'll be dismayed.
There are rules of common decency, they should have obeyed.
Enough of the constant scheming, enough of the damn spin.
We've had enough of Joe Biden and his dream of winning again.
D.L. Crockett == 6/30/24

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