I’m sick of Brandon’s unswerving stupidity.
His vision of change and his declining lucidity.
His complete lack of courage, his pandering flunkies.
His climbing in bed, with his red Chinese bunkies.
His fake crys for unity, we should all work together.
To fight global warming [his change in the weather]
What does he take us for, his ass-kissing base.
College kids and losers, Who like to get in your face.
I’m sick of hypocrisy, and the Main Stream Media.
Of his support for abortion, and legalized pedophilia.
I’m sick of his ego, how he thinks he’s the man.
With his damn green agenda and communist plans.
He’s an ignorant loser, who some say stole an election.
He’s anathema to America, a swamp scum infection.
How else can I say it, he’s truly the worst of bad seeds.
I think he takes joy in seeing our bank accounts bleed.
I’m all for a reset, I’m primed for a return to the past.
For an affordable meal, a sumptious Thanksgiving repast.
Joe wants us all angry. while he panders and poses.
Thinking he’s loved, while we’re holding our nose’s.
Is OhBrahma behind this attack on America’s soul.
Is he behind Brandon, calling the shots, in control.
Is Brandon only the clown, the new Howdy-Doody.
With Barrack’s effeminate hand, jammed up his booty.
D.L. Crockett — 9/14/22