Stupid Is As D-rats Do

Stupid is as Democrats Do
There’s a change in the stupid, they’re all dumbing-down.
It’s hard telling who’s dumbest, who’s wearing the crown.
Is it Gavin Newsome, The west coasts commie dujour.
Whose campaign of destruction, is too much to endure.
His banning gas powered vehicles, is the retarded act of the day.
Californians are praying that he would dry up, just blow away.
Or there’s Kamala the cackler, Full of bullcrap and lies.
Always ready for dumb questions with stupid replies.
She tries to act presidential, like she might have a brain.
Her open maw proves she’s a dumba*s, no doubt remains.
How about John Fetterwoman, or is it John Fetterman.
Pandering to useful idiots, what an outstanding plan.
Is bad to say his stroke could be our stroke of luck.
Or is he just unelectable, a grandiose schmuck.
We have Nancy Pelosi, the soused queen of the house.
Alcohol has destroyed her brain, just like her spouse.
It seems like forever, since she flew in from the west.
It’s time she hops back on her broomstick, we need a rest.
Then there’s joe Biden, hands down, the fool of the year.
He proves it each day, with every word that we hear.
When he opens his mouth, we glimpse his full-blown insanity.
A flood of his twaddle, followed by insipid inanities.
For doubling down on stupidity, he’s the left’s poster boy.
Brain-damaged, demented, Satan’s most useful toy.
I just heard Joe harping on Charlottesville once again.
The same overused racecard, the same slanderous spin.
The same demented slander, of a much better man.
By the cowardly clown, that abandoned Afghanistan.
Screw Joe and the Jackas*es, he rode to his power.
The fool who’s ushering in our most darkest hour.
D.L. Crockett — 9/16/22