The Missing Link

The missing link, at long last, has been found.
It's been seen in the Whitehouse, hanging around.
It prefers the dark corners, damp basement rooms.
Where it hides the young children it likes to groom.
Falling from the tree of creation, it hit every branch.
Scraping and grinding, a long jarring cranch
Causing irreparable damage to it's human soul.
It lived, but only half human it could never be whole.
It was found and succored by the master of lies.
For eons it was nurtured, Satan's number one prize.
It became a great demon a destroyer of souls.
Doing it's masters bidding, fulfilling his goals.
It found a young, foolish Joe Biden, took over his mind.
It was elected to congress, it really does take all kinds.
Politics makes strange bedfellows, indeed it does.
No one ever caught on to who Joe Biden really was.
Possessed by Satan's favorite demon, for a half century.
Joe was mindless and soulless, not the man we all see.
His campaign for  president, was engineered by the devil.
The Election was stolen,  on a new never seen evil level.
Joe was controlled by a demon, he was not his own master.
Which is where we are now, on our hiway to  disaster.
We were right about one thing, Joe is not his own man.
After eons of planning, will he usher in Satan's great plan.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/17/22