When Joe Wasn’t Here

I long for the days when Joe wasn’t here.
When songbirds were singing, a message so clear.
When fear wasn’t rampant, when truth wasn’t lies.
When constant pandering, didn’t baffle the eyes.
When men were men, and sheep were still nervous.
When Washington, wasn’t occupied by a circus.
When congress actually worked for the people.
When every city block, showed a prominent steeple.
When people still worshipped an all loving God.
When evil tattoos didn’t cover their bods.
When promises given, were promises kept.
When life was worth living, and nobody wept.
We had a shining city, that sat on a hill.
Of those who embraced it, all became will.
Now we have open borders, for no rhyme or reason.
We have Marxist leaders committing their treason.
We have politicians bereft of all morals.
With ungodly agendas, the worst of all mortals.
What are their pro-nouns, no one really cares.
This kind of idiots we used to call squares.
Every thing the left does is so over rated.
And just like their egos, everything is inflated.
The times they are changing, back to the right.
When the minions of evil, get out of our sight.
D.L. Crockett — 5/17/22