Hero and the Jerk

If Trump is always right and Joe Biden is always wrong.
How can we ever expect them to play nice and just get along.
If Trump tells the truth about Joe, and Joe lies about Trump.
How can we not come to the conclusion, Brandon's a chump.
Joe takes Trump's words and twists them around.
A sick trick of a man, whose thinking has never been sound.
Trump's perfect non-racist statement about Charlottesville.
Joe has twisted into a lie, intended to hound Trump to Hell.
Trump is an innocent man, persecuted for seven long years.
By Brandon, our Liar in Chief and his horde of demonrat peers.
Bombshell after bombshell, blow up in their hate-filled mugs.
Trump Derangement Syndrome, affects them like drugs.
Is there such a thing as a good honest person on the left.
Whose hate-twisted actions are not morally bereft.
If there is, and I doubt it, they're afraid to come forward.
Afraid they'll be punished for being straightforward.
Joe's hate-fueled lies have grown larger, expanding to maga.
A glimpse into the brain of someones who's gone gaga.
He's so obsessed about Trump, he's lost in the weeds.
He doesn't care for America or it's citizens needs.
Through his hate-clouded vision, only one thing he sees.
Is Trump prostrated before him or down on his knees.
Joe is afraid of the future, he fears the future could be Trump.
Joe ignores the present in which he'll always be America's chump.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/24/22