Dead babies were piled, right outside their front door.
Planned Parenthood, didn't care what people thought anymore.
They felt empowered, they knew the D-rats had their back.
The last thing they worried about was a right-wing attack.
The Supreme Court had ruled, their path forward was cleared.
In the blue states anything goes, no matter how it appeared.
They were skilled doctors and nurses, doing their jobs.
Just pawns of the devil, evil, baby murdering slobs.
They had a license to kill, issued by their uncaring state.
Their business was booming and the money was great.
They advertised in the red states, "bring your babies to us"
We'll transport you and your unwanted fetus, on our new party bus.
We'll put you up in hotels, some of the finest in town.
You'll live in high style, till we put that life-threatening thing down.
The price is negotiable, depending on the package you choose.
With our state government assistance, there's only the baby to lose.
That bundle of tissue, so close to celebrating it's birthday.
You can rest assured your baby will never get in your way.
So bury your conscience, come join the hip crowd.
 Come let us murder your baby, where it's allowed.
Then climb on our rooftop and shout your abortion.
Show the world how it's all about your own self-devotion.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/25/22