The Crisis Dujour

Look! Over there, to the west, a new crisis is coming.
Time for goverment interference, more democrat bumbling.
An excuse to seize ever more power, ever tighter control.
 To make unwanted changes, fulfill more commie goals.
They can't let a good crisis, wither and die on the vine.
It must be thrust in our faces, to the left it's devine.
They will demand we sacrifice, our time and our money.
 Their Fearmongering is laughable, the dark side of sunny.
They shed magic tears, fake ones with no tracks.
Their hands full of knives, to stick in our backs.
The truth must be twisted, the lie must be spun.
They know all the answers and what must be done.
They extend every crisis, until the people catch on.
Then, Poof, just like magic, the fake crisis is gone.
Then out of nowhere, a brand new crisis appears.
One even more urgent, sowing mass panic, more fear.
They climb on their soapboxes, doomsayers all.
Pointing to their own writing, scribbled on the wall.
We're here to save you, they beseech and implore.
If this crisis fails to work, there's a new one in store.
Be it a pox or a virus, or a useful natural disaster.
At virtue signaling they are truly all masters.
To their fake tears and pandering there is no end.
Their proffered compassion are words on the wind.
Chicken Little on steroids, with their crises dujour.
They are slow to catch on, it doesn't work anymore.
They're fools who don't realize, our heads are screwed on.
The crisis will end the day that they're gone.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/27/22