They know that we know and they’re terrified.
We know the truth, it’s been verified.
Knowing that we know, rocks them to the core.
We’ve reached the limit and won’t take anymore.

They’re building a wall, around the house of the people.
The Wolf’s on the prowl and they are the sheeple.
They stole an election and know that we know.
You can’t lie forever, suspicion still grows.

We’re tired of race cards, WE ARE NOT THE RACISTS!
We’re tired of lies from hypocrit facists.
The Capitol is our house, they work for us.
It’s time they’re thrown under their clown bus.

We are the ones who should be afraid.
Afraid of the plans they’ve already made.
Afraid of the steps they’ve already taken.
It’s our constitution, they have completely forsaken.

We fear for our republic, they fear losing control.
They thirst for power, by crushing America’s soul
To them we are idiots, who can’t understand.
My soul is crying, MARXISM BE DAMNED!

The people are rapidly becoming aware.
They’re in bed with the Devil, WE ARE NOT THERE!
Being woke is a synonym for being insane.
An evil infection, destroying the brain.

The left’s running roughshod, will come to an end.
Blown out of office by a God sent big wind.
Communism will be swept back over the sea.
We will not be communists, WE WILL LIVE FREE!
D.L. Crockett 1-30-2021