Liar Liar, Pants on Fire

He took the liberty of lying, he lied with great skill.
 A talent passed down to him in his Daddy's will.
He could lie with a straightface, he could lie with a grin.
He was adept at turning the truth into spin.
He could lie with a whisper, he could lie in a rant.
He can lie about everything then swear that he can't.
He can lie to your face, while his pants are on fire.
To being truthful, he never thought to aspire.
He lies about lying, he cannot help himself.
He lies about how he acquired, his mysterious wealth.
He lies to Americans, he lies about God.
He spreads lies for Lucifer, the master of fraud.
He lies when the truth, would do just as well.
He lies about Hunter and his laptop from Hell.
He lies about Trump, a new lie every day.
He must be terrified, Trump's not going away.
He lies about his education, he lies about Cornpop.
He lies about his election, the lies never stop.
He repeats the same lies, without knowing he does.
He lies about where he's been and don't know where he was.
His lies are latched onto, believed by his base.
The most gullible people of the whole human race.
His name is Joe Biden, some call him Brandon.
Be it one or the other, they both lie with abandon.
He's never joking, his lies are quite grim.
Don't expect him to stop, it's no passing whim.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/30/22