This Moron Brandon

What the hell are American citizens expected to do?
While this moron Brandon is turning the screws
Are we expected to watch our lives be destroyed.
Does he expect our applause, I'm so overjoyed.
Gas went up overnight, another twenty-five cents.
His assault on our pocketbooks never relents.
Does he care, no he doesn't, he don't give a damn.
Chaos in our lives is the left's fail proof plan.
To show his compassion, he shows up in Buffalo.
To accuse us of racism, and our guns gotta go.
It's always the same, it's always our fault.
The Left's mangled policy, let's call it gestalt.
Promise us unity, then drive us apart.
Divide us, then conquer, their plan from the start.
No one is buying it, so why don't they quit.
The answer is obvious, they don't give a shit.
Stick to the agenda and exploit every crisis.
Treat good Americans, like we're the American ISIS.
Shut up and take it, don't speak out or complain.
We can't pursue happiness as we go down the drain.
I'm seeing red and I'm for sure feeling blue.
We can't sit back and let Biden keep turning screws.
This coming midterm election, we sure better win.
Or we'll never get out of, this mess we're now in.
So, sit up, stand up, your vote must be counted.
This communist nightmare must be surmounted.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/18/22