Satan’s Sheeple

The left's theory of gender, is the Left's psuedo science.
Used to brainwash our youth, and force our compliance.
A woman is a woman, a man is always a man.
It's the way we are created, it is God's only plan.
Teaching anything different is the work of the devil.
A big step down a  slippery slope that will never be level.
We cannot have teachers, who teach transgender crap.
Our children can never thrive, on the Left's evil pap.
What's wrong with the parents, who pamper their kids.
Who allow this mutilation, they've all flipped their lids.
Is it an attack on our religion, to bring down the church.
To leaver Lucifer smiling,  on the catbird's perch.
Who are the democrats, what have they become.
Where are they leading us, who's leading these scum.
They surely aren't Christians, their morals are gone.
It's the pathway to Hell, they've put themselves on.
They have donned the demonrat mantle, proudly it's worn.
They make a mockery of God's grace, flaunting their scorn.
We're at a turning point, we must stand up for our God.
Our children must be freed from the master of fraud.
The FBI has been weaponized to enforce evil laws.
School boards are organized, to cram lies down kids craws.
While evil runs rampant, the demonrats cheer.
The deep state and the devil is what we must fear.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/2/22