A Demonrat Tale

There was a border crosser, her name was Anna Soo. 
She walked here from China, when she was only 2. 
When she arrived in Mexico, a human trafficker was paid. 
When he got her to the border,  fortunes would be made. 
After crossing near El Paso, she was thrown into a cage. 
Joe Biden, our beloved President, blames Trump for this outrage. 
Anna’s cage was really crowded with children just like her. 
Her keepers didn’t care how much babies could endure. 
She fussed and threw big tantrums, as her future was discussed. 
They loaded her up with other babies and to Houston they were bussed. 
They had a bigger cage there, into it she was thrown. 
Babies handled just like cargo, with no compassion shown. 
Here her and all these babies, are kept from the public view. 
Here demonrats can carry on, doing what demonrats do.
They tested her for covid, declared her in good health. 
Never mind her dirty diaper or her covering of filth. 
Soon a man showed up who claimed to be her Tio. 
He claimed they had been parted, somewhere across the Rio. 
No questions asked he took her, after money changing hands. 
This was little Anna’s introduction, to the promised, land. 
No matter he was Mexican, and she was obviously Chinese. 
The officials got their lucre and everyone was pleased. 
Next day, she was sold at auction, for a couple million bucks. 
To a sex addicted pervert, she would soon be calling Uncle Chuck.
D.L. Crockett-- 4/5/21