Joe is not joking, Joe's become the joke.
Joe isn't  Sleepy , Joe's way beyond woke.
Joe's a uniter, who tears us apart.
Joe says he cares that he has no heart.
Joe is so brave, when running away.
Joy is so fair, when things go Joe's way.
Joe is pro-choice, yet wants babies to die.
Joe is really honest, yet can't help but lie.
Joe loves little children, that sit on his lap.
Joe is full of compassion, he's so full of crap.
Joe is a thinking man, who thinks of himself.
Joe wears big boy diapers and wallows in filth.
Joe tries to do good things, the results are all bad.
Joe spends trillions, but doesn't know how to add.
Joe is a patriot, who rules like a traitor.
Joe looks presidential, for a stupid deep-stater.
Joe is on top of things, things never get done.
Joe is a good family man, as corrupt as his son.
Joe is a hero, fools need heroes too.
Joe is a leader, question is, ''leader of who"
Joe is saving America, we all scoff at that.
Joe has no clue, where America's at.
Joe is magnanimous, with our tax dollars.
Joe feathers his nest, we live in squalor.
Joe thinks he's popular, joe is insane.
Joe wasn't born with a functioning brain.
Joe can't be a leader, he will lead you astray.
Joe is one clueless moron is all I can say.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/9/22