A Prayer For The Times

Dear Heavenly Father,
I give thanks for your guidance in these trying times.
For your protection against adversarial crimes.
I give thanks for my now open, truth seeking eyes.
For my discernment in seeing through lies.
I give thanks for the patience,to wait and to see.
For the gift of the spirit, that is always with me.
I give thanks for the gospel and its message of life..
For the path I am on, a way out of the strife.
I thank you and love you for all that you do.
I ask you to bless me and help me stay true.
True to my potential, to my ongoing conversion.
True to my Covenant, to ignore Satan's diversions.
True to my loved ones, who once again I shall see.
To my life in Heaven with you for Eternity.
True to the promise of my salvation.
True to the goal of my Exaltation.
D.L. Crockett -- 2/17/22