Joe let his hair down, it fell to the floor.
 He felt and smelled like a used up old whore.
He unchained his dog and went for a walk.
He snuck out the door and wondered the block.
Folks who saw him, didn't know what they saw.
Was this fearless leader, who broke every law.
He called his dog killer, it liked to attack.
Especially if it had snuck into his crack.
Killer saw some people nearby on the street.
It started to chase them, dragging Joe off his feet.
With Killer’s barking and Joe screaming for Jill.
Killer chased the tourists, all around Capitol Hill.
Brandon was terrified, he pooped in his shorts.
He was hoping the tourists would be good sports.
Killer saw a cop and went for his throat.
In and out of reality, Joe started to float.
The cop whipped out his pistol, shooting Killer to death.
Brandon let go of the leash, gasping for breath.
That was the opportune moment Joes handlers arrived.
Another Killer was dead, but Joe had survived.
Joe was scratched up, not much worse for wear.
So they put on his leash and drug Joe out of there.
Back to the White House and into his pen.
This time remembering to shut the gate lockong him in.
They brought in the hose and gave Joe a bath.
Hoping that no one could retrace his path.
A couple heads rolled, they brought in a new dog.
They removed the incident from joe's activities log.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/23/22