Why PART 3

Why is there no honesty, what has become of transparency.
To discern any truth, needs I be blessed with clairvoyancy.
Lies dressed up like truth, is like putting lipstick on a pig.
It's Joe's way to communicate, the democrats favorite gig.
Dress it up nice and pretty, promise the stars and the moon.
Throw in a few shiny trinkets, promise delivery real soon.
It won't work on people who are smart and don't drink.
But it will work on their base, with an oink and a wink.

What about Joe's promised unity, Isn't Joe our great uniter.
All we see is a hypocrite, a mentally challenged backbiter.
A sower of mass discord, who certainly knows how to divide.
Whose sole agenda it seems, is taking us all on a ride.
A wild ride down a slippery slope, leading straight to Hell.
Littered with the bodies of the babies, the left loves to kill.
Led on and encouraged by his choir of communist ghouls.
his suckups and sickohaunts and purple-haired fools.

What has become of the shining city that stood on Capitol Hill.
It has been swallowed by the swamp and is drowning in swill.
What happened to government for the people by the people.
Why has it become government for only the obedient sheeple.
Why is the border wide open, why are we being invaded.
Do democrats want to see the lives of American citizens degraded.
Why are good Americans anxious for the return of Donald Trump.
I'm pretty sure it's because the democrats treat us like chumps.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/11/22