Hollywood Sucks

Hollywood sucks, because Hollywood's woke.
Woke funny's not funny, it's just a bad joke.
They've ruined the movies, they've ruined TV.
It's a waste of time watching, even when free.
It's all about inclusivity, and fake moral outrage.
Full of racial pandering fools on their stage.
Superheroes are turning gay or transgender.
Their product has become crappy provender.
I don't want to see a woke, gay superman.
Full of subliminal messages, selling Satan's plan.
I watch the old movies, with believable heroes.
Not this crap today full of hypocrite zeroes.
Nothing is real, it's all sex and perversion.
Good older movies become new crappy versions.
Hollywood's movie stars are all anti-gun fools.
Making movies full of toy gun toting ghouls.
Cops are the bad guys, sick, twisted  perverts are good.
They've done a  great job on Mr. Rogers hood.
Conservative Hollywood was a much better place.
Not full of overpaid whackjobs, all up in our face.
Fools living the high life, while putting us down.
Hollywood has become, a fake Tinseltown.
Full of posers, losers and communist scum.
Doing nothing but beating the stupid woke drum.
Take that woke drum, and stick it up Hollywood's ass.
Return to the old days, make movies with class.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/14/22