The forest is full of falling trees.
Beehives are full of drunken bees.
Brandon’s head is full of gobbledygook.
Washington’s full of political crooks.
The airwaves, are clogged with fake news.
ABC has women, peddling ridiculous views.
The freeways are stifled, with out of gas cars.
The heavens are full of unlucky stars.
The schools are packed, with radical teachers.
City parks are covered with homeless creatures.
The streets are paved with broken dreams.
Nothing is ever the way it seems.
Our leaders heads are full of unspoken lies.
Planned Parenthood is where babies die.
The dinner table is where nobody speaks.
Hollywood is the home of immoral freaks.
Congress is flooded by a flood of bullsh*t.
A constant barrage that never quits.
My poems are amusing, a breath of fresh air.
Perhaps for a moment a respite from despair.
Read them and laugh or read them and weep.
I hear my pen calling, I’ve a schedule to keep.
D.L. Crockett — 5/20/22Share