Rubes to be Used

Trillions of dollars, wasted on no one knows what.
Trillions of dollars, more than America's got.
Who pays for this crap, who foots the bill.
Who pays for this democrat, BS and swill.
It's me and it's you, us tax-paying schmucks.
They reach into our pockets and steal our bucks.
Seventeen thousand, they say each of us owe.
Owe for what, I guess only Joe and God know.
 Condescendingly, they smirk in our face.
Saying they're saving the whole human race.
Gas prices are climbing, going up every day.
Inflation's out of control, we just pay, pay and pay.
Joe stupidly tells us, prices go up then come down.
Such great advice from a twofaced demonrat clown.
Not one demonrat cares, especially, Joe Biden.
Hunkered down in his bunker, constantly hiden.
Why should they care, we're just rubes to be used.
American peasants, to be robbed and abused.
We're told, shut up, be quiet, stay in your place.
You could just disappear, with nary a trace.
What will they do, when the spigot runs dry.
When the cost to Americans is finally too high.
They'll tell Joe to deny it, to lie to us chumps.
Orange man is bad, blame it on Donald Trump
D.L. Crockett -- 2/20/22