Bad Educations

What kind of idiot glues their self to the floor.
A university graduated, publicity whore?
Is it critical thinking, what's wrong with their brains.
Looks like college tuition, poured down the drain.
A waste of parents money, a huge waste of time.
What's taught in our schools is a communist crime.
Brainwashing centers run by communist ghouls.
Churning out numbskulls, the left's go to fools.
Save your money, tell your kids, "get a job."
4 years later they won't be dysfunctional slobs.
They'll be making good money, happy as well.
They won't be on the marxist, highway to Hell.
There's a good chance you'll have some grandkids.
Not basement dwellers with brainwashed ids.
They'll still have given names, not stupid pro-nouns.
Your sons won't be wearing, nylons and gowns.
You probably won't be seeing your kid glued to a wall.
Or a studded faced monster with a purple haired skull.
The best teacher is life not perverted professors.
Ones who should really be talking to their confessors.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/22/22