Back on Track

Smiling Democrats with crooked grins.
Deep in our pockets, under our skins.
Professional liars, experienced crooks.
Their favorite recipe, cooking the books.
Theft of elections, dog and pony charades.
In MSM newsrooms, fake news is made.
Trusted by idiots, admired by fools.
Joe Biden speaks, like morons they drool.
Nothing is real behind smoke and mirrors.
Their modus operandi, pandering fears.
Tweak mechanics, fixing what works.
Kids in drag bars, learning to twirk.
Everythings fluid from demonrat bums.
Beto the Dork, pounding the drums.
A red tsunami is coming, forget red wave.
We will be free in the land of the brave.
Dem days are over, the folks are awake.
Change is coming, the Heavens will shake.
Woke is a joke, Brandon's a creep.
To Hell with the commies and their great leap.
We're looking forward, good times ahead.
With the left's marxist dream finally dead.
Jump off your high horses, run for the hills.
Back to your swamp, open your gills.
The deep state is gone, aboveboard is back.
We're putting America back on the right track.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/23/22