Thanks Brandon

Xi Ping's star is rising, Brandon's taking us down.
Xi, thinks before acting, Brandon's a suck-up and clown.
Brandon makes empty threats, Xi shakes in his boots.
Only Joe believes that, he thinks they're in cahoots.
Brandon wants Armageddon, Perhaps Xi will concur.
He sees a weakling in Joe, of that you can be sure.
Joe's a wet-noodle, feebleminded and weak-kneed.
A failure in all aspects, a blind snake in the weeds.
Putin is laughing at Joe, ready to start world war III.
The catheter bag on Joes leg, should be filling with pee.
But Joe isn't scared, he's blind to this great threat.
His goal is protecting pedophiles, increasing our debt.
Killing babies, child mutilations and gay pride parades.
Everything the left does is an in our faces charade.
Biden's a laughingstock, Satan's feckless baboon.
The worst thing for America, a pandering goon.
Our allies can see this, they see Joe's inept policies.
They see Joe as a threat to the world's democracies.
There's a change in the wind, if not there will be war.
The left is well on their way to going that far.
With this weakling leading us, the future looks grim.
 Brandon isn't a Hitler, the fault though falls on him.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/26/22