An Old Hippie

Joe Biden just turned eighty, 
And he don't know what to do.
He can no longer tell the difference,
 twixt his left and his right shoe.
Has his mind been affected, 
by one too many acid trips.
He has trouble with the truth, 
it's given him the slip.
Is he having acid flashbacks, 
has his brain been compromised.
What is it Joe is seeing, 
that makes him look surprised.
Does he see monsters in the mirror, 
distorting his reflection.
Is reality and dreamland, 
now beyond his comprehension.

He's lost track of where he's going.
he makes up where he has gone.
He parties hearty with his son Hunter.
in the basement with the bong.
Does he dream at night of Cornpop.
and many other acid freaks.
Has he been on one too many trips.
and long midsummer acid tweaks.
He no longer has it together,
it's completely come apart.
 Has he lost his moral tether.
has too much dope tore him apart.

Is he an unreformed old hippie,
who's lost, living in the past.
To make it through each day,
 needing piles of go fast.
Is he taking the whole country,
on one of his bad trips.
Is it possible he's hallucinating,
we're Gladys and her pips.
Is he an eighty year old hippie.
who's taking us to Hell.
Is Joe's mind so perma spun,
he thinks everything is swell.
Is Joe lost somewhere in the ozone,
is he still jacked up on drugs.
Is he having acid flashbacks,
like any old hippie does.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/28/22