Must Do’s

You must wear a mask to be a good sheeple. 
You must wash your hands to be a good people. 
You must avoid working and live off the state. 
You must thank Joe Biden for the food on your plate. 
You must let your kids be brainwashed in our schools. 
You must be compliant and follow communist rules. 
You must abort your first born then dance and rejoice. 
You must thank the democrats for being pro- choice. 
You must vote for idiots who steal your money. 
If Joe says "it's no joke" don't laugh if it's funny.
You must believe you’re a racist if you are white. 
You must label as terrorists everyone on the right. 
You must believe nothing, the founding fathers have said. 
You must realize both God and the Constitution are dead. 
You must deny your own eyes and act as if blind. 
You must see Biden as sane, caring and kind. 
You must bow to Kamala and start calling her Sir. 
You must keep the pot boiling and continue to stir. 
You must deny common sense and watch only fake news. 
You must drink commie Kool-Aid mixed with your booze. 
You must dance round the Maypole the first day of May. 
You must say perverts grooming children is okay.
You must think you’re special when you are not. 
You must think and act like a programmed robot. 
Do all of these things and your life will be fine. 
Never complain and toe the communist line. 
Remember the state can make you disappear. 
Erase you from memory like you were never here. 
D.L. Crockett  3-10-2021